Struct sc_tdc_format

Struct Documentation

struct sc_tdc_format

Contains sizes and offsets of data bitfields.

Zero value of the field means that field is not present in the event.

Public Members

unsigned char total_bits_length

Length of one event in bits. Currently can be only 8, 16, 32 and 64

unsigned char channel_offset

Offset of channel field. Mostly used in tdc mode

unsigned char channel_length

Length of channel field. Mostly used in tdc mode. Channel field contains information in which channel of TDC event occured.

unsigned char time_data_offset

Offset of time data data field. Mostly used in tdc mode

unsigned char time_data_length

Length of time_data field. Mostly used in tdc mode. time_data field contains information about time when event occurs [binsize]

unsigned char time_tag_offset
unsigned char time_tag_length
unsigned char start_counter_offset

Offset of start_counter data field

unsigned char start_counter_length

Length of start_counter data field. start_counter data field contains information about start counter value. See documentation to the device for more info about start counter value

unsigned char dif1_offset

Offset of x coordinate of the event

unsigned char dif1_length

Length of x coordinate of the event. Mostly used in dld mode.

unsigned char dif2_offset

Offset of y coordinate of the event

unsigned char dif2_length

Length of y coordinate of the event. Mostly used in dld mode.

unsigned char sum_offset

Offset of time coordinate data field of the event in dld mode

unsigned char sum_length

Length of time coordinate data field of the event in dld mode.

unsigned char sign_counter_offset
unsigned char sign_counter_length
unsigned char reserved[14]

Reserved fields. Must not be used.

unsigned char flow_control_flags

Flow control flag data field.