Working principle of the parallel spin analyzer. The instrument works either as a conventional ToF Momentum Microscope in the straight branch or the spin filter crystal deflects the image for spin analysis in the perpendicular branch (spin-filtered branch).

[H.J. Elmers et al., Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013296 (2020)]

Constant-energy maps of Re (0001) measured with photon energies of 18.5eV. Left to right binding energies 0mV, 200meV and 400meV. The lower row displays the spin filtered measurements.

[H.J. Elmers et al., Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013296 (2020)]

An image with a FoV 450µm of a chessy sample with >9.000 pixels in the complete image. This demonstrates the image quality of the spin-filtered branch.