The ToF Momentum Microscope works this way: The zoom optics 1 select a real-space sample area, the switching between real-space and k-space-image is done by the zoom optics 2.

[Medjanik et al., Nature Materials, 16(6):615-621(2017)]

The user can access the full space of the photoemission paraboloid from work function cut-off to Fermi edge during one measurement (approved for excitation energies up to 21.7eV). The optics is isogenic in k for a wide range of energies.

Technical specifications for a complete Momentum Microscope system including the hexapod sample stage.

ToF Momentum Microscope
Energy resolution <30meV (guaranteed), <20meV (typical value)
Simultaneously focused energy rangeUp to 10eV
Momentum resolution<0.01Å-1 (guaranteed)
Momentum resolved range+- 3Å-1
Lateral resolution<50nm
Real space field of view11...1000μm
Piezo driven contrast aperture7 aperture sizes and a 200 mesh, x/y adjustable
Piezo driven field aperture14 aperture sizes (down to 10μm possible) and a 200 mesh, x/y adjustable
Motorized manipulator6 axis (Hexapod) which makes in situ sample tilt adjustment possible (e.g. for cleaved samples)
Temperature range<15K....400K (guaranteed), <10K (typical value)

Constant-energy maps measured at various photon energies of Re (0001).

[H.J. Elmers et al. PhysRevResearch.2.013296]

Real space image of an Au on Si (Chessy) sample.
FoV 11µm.

The EPICS (https://epics-controls. org) based software supports fully remote controlled measurements via PC. The server-client architecture enables customized, automatic measurement routines via user scripts.

You can integrate additional customer specific devices by implementing further EPICS modules.